Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daddy may kill me, but...

I caught this on camera. It is almost like she knows what she is doing. LAS doesn't like when you misbehave.

We're going Green

Well, at least with our food. We do our best on the other end. Today we tried green beans. I was prepared for some grimacing, but LAS amazed me again. She took those green beans down so fast I didn't know what to do. I really am not sure there is anything she won't eat. She even ate the rice cereal with dinner tonight. I guess she has to keep a full belly with all of the wiggling around she does. We also had a play date with Anderson today. You may remember that this was Lu's first dinner date and he, well, let's just say, wasn't really feeling the peas that night. She forgave him and they had a much better date today. He had puffs and she had green beans. Excellent choices! They had a great time playing together. It's a lot more fun now that they can sit up by themselves and we don't just lay them next to each other.
More Please!

Beans are messy and I love it!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fashion Trends: What will keep you HOT when the weather is cold

I just felt like making it a real fashion headline. Mamma M and Grandaddy, Phillip's parents, were here the other weekend and Mamma M took us shopping for LAS. They were way too generous. We basically got her winter wardrobe. Well, today Lu decided that she was not going to nap, even though she woke up at 3 am ready to take on the world. While we should have been napping, she tried on some of the things that we bought. I have been needing to do this to check sizes. We were able to get a couple of things on, and I think that they are going to fit great when the weather cools down a little. We also got some great colorful leggings to go under things, which I am super pumped about. There is just something about little ones in leggings. I think all of the modeling finally wore her out, because (knock on wood) she is sleeping right now. I thought I would share some of the things that LAS thinks you should have in your closet this winter. (if you are a baby) These all came from Gymboree.
Not her best pose.
Diaper Chic. I am ready for my close up.
The dogs were exhausted from being up all night too! They are ridiculous. I think they are probably happy it is not them having to get dressed up. Do your dogs sleep like this?



Saturday, September 19, 2009

What's long and skinny and orange all over?

LAS eating carrots... and pulling for Auburn.
We moved on to carrots and it was a success. Is there anything this girl won't eat? You would think she weighed more than she does with the way she inhales food. She is willing to try about anything, which really frightens me to think of her teenage years. I made these carrots using my wholesome baby food recipe. Easy! I think they turned out a lot better than the squash. It seemed like she may have had a little trouble digesting the squash. Does anyone know if that happens when they begin real solids? I have been trying to switch up the veggie colors so LAS doesn't change color. Too much orange= orange baby. Supposedly my cousin turned orange from eating too many carrots when he was a baby. Can you picture an orange Will? Those Clemson fans will do about anything for their team. If you know my Uncle Warren, that doesn't seem too extreme. Now that's some team spirit!Initial reaction was not positive.
In the end, we cleaned our plate. And made a mess.

It was also game day. Lu wore her new Auburn outfit that Mamma M and Grandaddy bought her. I went and got her a cute bow to match. One of my best friends, Amy, drove over and helped me pick it out. She's awesome!! I am also going to post a video. Warning: I look like an idiot and it proves that all sanity goes out of the window when you have children. Please ignore all 5 chins that I have. I used to have about 10, so we are improving.

Giving me kisses.I also bought these shoes when I got her bow. I can't wait for her to wear them!

Please don't judge me. My dignity left with my placenta. Daddy thought we needed to record this insanity. Anything to make her laugh!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Last night we moved on and tried something new for dinner...avocado. She loved this even more that the squash. She was reaching for it, wanting more. She pretty much ate half of one. I did have a few bites. She is going to be like her parents and love some Mexican food! We'll try another night of this and then maybe something orange. So far so good. She is definitely getting up on her knees. She will be on the move soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Squash is Squashed

LAS has officially eaten her first vegetable; squash, and she loved it. Since my doctor was not very helpful in giving me a good schedule to go by I chose squash first. I think it is a good mixture between good and yucky veggies. She didn't even really make a funny face when she ate it. It must have tasted good to her from the get-go. We are going to try squash one more time tonight and then move on to green beans or avocado. I can't decide yet. So far so good. Now I just have to start incorporating it into our lunch time. Oh-we are also giving her a sippy cup to try and figure out. It also occupies her if I am taking a long time to get her stuff ready.
* I forgot to ad that we had our 6 months check up on Tuesdsay and everything looked great. She weighed 16 1/2 lbs. and is the 65th percentile. She is 27 1/2 inches long and is in the 80th percentile. That was a big jump from last check up. She also got two shots. She cried a little, but once daddy held her she did great. *

Waiting patiently.

Yum Yum!

Rice cereal is sad because she didn't want it.

Check out her video:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I call it "caring"

What do these three people have in common you may ask? and why are they on your blog? Well, I have cried because of these people in the past few months. All of whom I do not know and will never have any connection to. Pregnancy and motherhood does some mighty strange things. I cried at the Michael Jackson memorial. (in front of someone might I ad) I cried when they drove Ted Kennedy's body to Arlington Cemetery. (Why was I even watching that?) And now I have cried while Whitney Houston talked about her life with Bobby Brown, drug use, her daughter being her best friend, and when she sang. OK, I am either A) over sensitive B) extremely compassionate C) a wonderfully caring person D) crazy E) need medication F) all of the above. I would put a poll on the side, but then I thought you might just go straight to D. It has been 6 months since I have been pregnant, I thought the emotional roller coaster would be over by now. Maybe it isn't ever going to be over. Great, I'm crying again.

Pureed My Brains Out

I am making baby food for LAS instead of buying it. That is not to say that I won't buy it, I am just going to try and make it as much as possible. It is cheaper and good for her. Last night I pureed until I couldn't puree anymore. I got these great storage trays from They are great and easy to use separately. So I pureed squash, green beans, carrots, and sweet potatoes. I really like doing it. If you would have told me ten years ago the enjoyment I would get out of squishing up veggies, I would have laughed. First I might have asked if pureed was some sort of new drink that I might need to try. Priorities have changed, for the better. I got the recipes from They are very easy and I just keep them in a notebook in my kitchen. I just use my regular food processor. I hope that I can keep up with it. I suggest it to everyone because it is very easy, just takes a little time.

Finished product.

Monday, September 14, 2009

You have a little something on your face!

LAS was having a little trouble eating tonight. I think that she was overly tired from her big weekend. Phillip's parents came and stayed the weekend, Mamma M and Grandaddy. We had a great time. We did a little shopping, actually a lot of shopping. Mamma M was very generous and Lu now has her winter wardrobe! So cute!! We went to a wedding in Gulf Shores. It was very beautiful and LAS was excellent. We also watched the Auburn game. War Damn Eagle, people! So, after this very eventful weekend, she was tired. One thing we do know about her is that she doesn't want to miss a thing, so if she is tired and there are things going on around her she is just going to fight it and have fun. (We may have our hands full when she is older) Feeding our little social butterfly was a little difficult last night and I finally took her out of her high chair and fed her in my lap. The bowl was a little too close to her and this is what we got: a face full of rice cereal and a messy mom and baby. Good thing Dad gave her a bath afterward. She tried very hard to feed herself with the spoon, but we have a long way to go for that! I think she wore more than she actually ate.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rock Star

Today was a pretty big day for our LAS. One- she realized she can kill the drums. Just like her mommy for those of you who attended our wedding. We will try the bongos when she is little older. Two- She said Momma!!! I don't think she realizes exactly what she said, but she has said it several times since. Phillip was so excited, although he has tried for a while to get her to say Dadda first. What do you think about this... an old wives tale says that whatever word they say first is going to be the sex of your next child. Another girl? Can Phillip handle all of these emotions? Ha! I guess we'll see, but not any time soon. Lu really did love banging on the pots. Anything that makes noise is fun for her. I captured some of it on video for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

6 Months Old

Today LAS turned 6 months old. I feel like I just wrote her 5 months stats on here. It is amazing what one month can bring. She is really moving and literally does something new every day. This is my favorite stage so far. I do think she is going to keep me very busy in the next few years. It is fun to see how her personality already has taken shape. Lu is very social. She loves other babies and just squeals and giggles when she sees them. She gets VERY excited about things and can get VERY frustrated when she can't do something she wants to. Phillip says that sounds a lot like me, well maybe. I think she is going to always keep us on our toes.

LAS you are 6 months today and this is what you are doing....

* You are sitting up by yourself for as long as you feel like.
* You are eating oatmeal for breakfast and rice cereal for dinner.
* You are putting your pacifier in your mouth all by yourself.
* You like to play tug of war with your toys (says your daddy)
* You are starting to get up on your knees a little and really reach for things.
* You really wanting to pull up on things and stand.
* When you stand you like to jump, a lot.
* Your favorite game is horsey on mommy or daddy's knee.
* You really want to play with the puppies, but they don't want to play with you. :(
* You smile all of the time.
* Your favorite time is when daddy gives you a bath. You love to splash.
* You like to play by yourself, but do miss it when mommy leaves the room.
* You put everything in your mouth and drool like crazy!

I looked over to find her pulling up on her Jumperoo. She was also trying to eat the bar.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Professional Pics- Success

Today I took LAS to get some professional pictures taken. We went to Portrait Innovations, which is a chain, but they do great studio pictures. I was really happy with how they turned out. Probably too happy because now I have so many pictures I don't know what to do with them. If anyone wants some pictures, just let me know and I will send some. They have such a great deal there and I even got the CD of the pictures that I bought. On the way over Lu was crying pretty much the entire time so I though I would get there and have to reschedule. I think that she likes being the center of attention though, because she did a great model job. Immediately after she did her job, back to being fussy. I think she is going through a growth spurt. So here are the ones that I chose. The white dress is one that I wore in a picture when I was her age. The blue dress was a gift from a family friend. The bath tub pictures, well they talked me into it. Phillip's favorite, not mine. She does look cute in it.