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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, a few days late. I have a little cold, so I haven't felt like putting this post up. I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Lucy got a few special treats from Momma M and Grandaddy and her Aunt Bess and Uncle Jason. She was pretty excited when she saw that balloon. Her school had a little party around lunch and we went to celebrate with everyone. She loves showing off her class and her friends. When we got there she said, "Bye Mommy." If only I could have dropped her off for a bit. Ha! Phillip and I don't do gifts, but we got a yummy dessert to split. It was a great day!

Checking out the loot. Momma M and Grandaddy sent money to ride the carousel. (She loves to ride Mike the Tiger) They also sent her some yummy cookies.

Aunt Bess and Uncle Jason sent her some princess chapstick. Lucy pretty much has not put it down since we opened it. Her first question when she wakes up, "Where's makeup Mommy?"

Some of her buddies from her class. They sit patiently until Ms. Sarah brings their plates. Amazing! Eating with her friends.

After lunch she and her friend, Vivienne, played guitar on the phones!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute Cute Cute !

Hope your feeling better.

Gaa Gaa