Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Big Move

We have officially made the big move to Louisiana. So far, I think that I will like it. There is a lot to do with Lu and seems to be some good shopping. Always a plus! Moving for the fourth time in fours years is pretty crazy. I have realized a few things this time around: always have the movers pack for you, we have awesome family that helps out, and take a look at the place you're moving to before you get there. I do like our new place a lot! I think it will be a good fit. As soon as we get it together I will put some pictures up. It is really hard to continue moving further from family and away from friends. It is hard to watch their lives go on and you are still here watching from the sidelines. I guess it is just part of life. For now Lu and I will try and keep ourselves occupied discovering our new home.
Pcola home all packed up!

The new place in Louisiana...

My uncle drove a LONG way to help us. He is pretty awesome!

Lu passed the time listening to Daddy's ipod. Don't worry, it was turned down really low.

She loved spinning around before the movers got there.
With Momma M and Grandaddy.

Downtown Baton Rouge.
Old Governor's mansion.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Zoo is Hot

Today we went to visit a friend while she was getting her classroom ready for students. While we were out that way Janet and Oliver met us and we headed to the zoo. We thought going early might help with the heat, well it is just hot all of the time. The moms and kids were pretty sweaty. The kids liked the animals, especially the petting zoo part. They had some random baby goats roaming and that was cute. Except when I looked over to see a baby goat eating the golden fish out of Lu's stroller, oh and when he jumped up and put his front two feet on her. She was startled, but not terrified. She wanted me to do all of the feeding. She just kept saying,"Ewww" and and occasional, "Yummy." Lu was not impressed with the pigs or the loud monkeys. The pigs grossed her out and the monkeys made her cry. I guess we will have to keep trying. Oliver really enjoyed it and is great with his animal sounds. Smarty pants!
Hmmm...Do you see these things?

Yes, Janet is wearing a houndstooth Alabama hat. I didn't tell her that I did not approve because it was hot and sunny out. Next time, you better leave that at home or I will just bring a replacement.

This was also the baby goat that enjoyed goldfish from our stroller and may even have tried to lick the juice cup.

Kind of freaky looking.

We also loved feeding the giraffe!

Of course we had to check out the bunnies. I think that she could have watched them for a while.

Both of the kids loved the snake. I was surprised, but Lu went right up to it and touched it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Under the Weather

This past week Lu had a HORRIBLE stomach bug. We were very close to going to the ER for fluids, but luckily did not have to. There were many nights that I sat up staring at her because I was so afraid she was going to vomit in her sleep. It was pretty scary. We were trapped in our house all week and had to be creative with our entertainment. I am so glad this week is behind us! On Saturday we went to a birthday party for Sydney, who turned 4. It was at a pet store and Lu loved it. She squealed a lot. Then she had a date with her Daddy at Chic-fil-a princess night. It was so cute. So glad that she is feeling better. Poor thing has lost a lot of weight so now I have to beef her back up!
Lots of playing in baskets...
Lots of bubbles...
Lots of dress up...
Then it was birthday time...
Birthday girl.
Our first animal was a bearded dragon. He was a little scared, but Lu loved it!
She also loved the bunny.

and the puppy.
Then it was date night with Daddy. If you dressed like a princess you got a free kid's meal. To say that she loved the outfit would be an understatement. My mom saved my old dance costumes, so that is what she is wearing.
Yes, she carried her purse.
Bad lighting.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A New Swimmin' Hole

This morning we went to check out the new public swimming pool . My friend, Danielle, and her twin girls met us there. The pool just opened about a month ago and is so great! They have three areas; a big pool with slides, a medium pool with water fountains, and a small area with water fountains and a slide. All are individually fenced in so no one can get away from you. They also have at least one life guard at each pool. They close three times a day for cleaning also, which is a plus in my book. The best part is that it is free for kids 4 and under and only $4 for an adult. Hello, this is awesome!
The girls playing in the fountains.
Thinking hard about going down the slide.

This is the medium pool. It has a lot more of the water fountains and goes up to 2 1/2 feet.

And just because....

We were really wiped out yesterday and woke up early from our nap and then fell asleep on the couch with Mommy.

And during bath time Daddy discovered Lu's favorite accessory: sassy earrings. She thought this was hilarious.

If you can hang something from your ears, you know that you came from the Morrissey side. She got her Mommy's ears for sure!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Music and More

My great friend, Janet, started a music class for the kiddos. She is so great and the kids really seem to like it. We sing and dance and just have an awesome time. Lucy loves the other kids and has been pretty good so far. After class Courtney and I took our girls to what we thought was a new children's exhibit at the museum. I had the wrong museum so the girls got an impromptu history lesson. Never too early to learn about the Civil War and the introduction of Europeans.Lu getting ready for music with Savannah.

Playing peek-a-boo with Janet.

Teaching the music.

Liam and his Grandma came.

Courtney and her sweet girlies.
Then off for some history lessons....

The Europeans come to Pensacola and the girls are less than thrilled about it.

Clearly, unimpressed.