Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Charleston Aquarium

I used to live in Charleston and that is where Phillip and I got married, so since we were as close as we are going to be for a while, we made a trip up. They also have a pretty good aquarium, and we wanted to take Lu. Again I dressed Lu in a themed outfit. I felt like she should wear something with fish on it if she was going to see fish. Is that weird? We were able to see a lot of friends and have dinner with my cousin and his wife, Will and Amy. She was my matron of honor in our wedding, so she is more than just my cousin's wife! It was such a great day. We miss everyone soooo much and would love to live there again. I am just glad we could visit. Thanks for playing hooky guys!Phillip and Scott trying not to smile. Lucy and Charlotte wanting to hold hands.

Kim and her sweet twinkies! They loved the aquarium!

Andrea, my college roommate, and Kim. All of our kiddos!

You should have heard the squeals while she was watching the fish swim by. The best thing ever!

We then went to the touching tank and promptly left. Lu broke two rules: she picked up the sea urchin and it went straight for her mouth, and dropped the conch that you see and chipped it's shell. Ooops. Maybe she was too small for that exhibit.

Me (horrid), Stacy (carrying 'The Situation' as I like to call it), and Gina

Site of our first date, above. Our 4th anniversary is tomorrow! Below is where we had our wedding reception.We ate dinner across the water. Our wedding was such a blast. We left on a boat!!!
We ate dinner with Amy and Will and stupid me didn't take a picture. Next time you better be ready!

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