Original Old Navy doll.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Original Old Navy doll.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Only Missing the Margarita
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Weekend Away

So, our friends Kara and Nate are having a little girl in a few weeks and we were so excited to go up and spend some time with them! We also got to see our other friends, Parker and Meghan. I haven't laughed that much in a LONG time. It was great! We are so lucky to blessed with these great people. Thanks for a fun weekend.

Aiden opening his big brother gift.
Check it out

We have several friends that are about have babies and I think this is a great idea!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
One Year Photo Session

Valentine Trip
Sitting in the birdcage with Pops!
Pops travels, so he collects the lotion from the Hampton Inns. Lu found his stash. If anyone every needs shampoo or moisturizer, just let me know.
She carried it around forever!
Loved climbing into her drum!
This is the dress we made. So cute!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
11 Months Old and a Daredevil
I can not believe that in less than one month she is going to be a year old. Everyone tells you that the first year flies by, it's true. I feel like I was just in the hospital having her. I can't even start because I will cry. That is another thing I didn't think I would do. Lately I have been so nostalgic about Lu just thinking through this year. Wow! I love this crazy girl!
The other day she went into the laundry room and came out with this. Either it was a hint or she is taking after her mother, ha! (some of you may know about my horrible job my mom made me get when I was home from summer during college)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Excuses, Excuses
Look at those chompers. She wouldn't let me button her shirt this day, so we just acted like we were rock stars.
Leaving a trail of Cheerios around the Homewood Library.
Haley and Georgia being so sweet!
Trying to feed Emory.
*I have also been on a little sewing kick thanks to Mallory. Lu got invited to a birthday party so I thought that I would make her something cute to wear. Then I thought about a few baby showers that I have coming up and thought I might get crafty. I made a few dresses and a lot of really cute burp cloths. Burp Cloths
Model (not the best picture...it's a lot harder now that she is mobile!)
*So then we had the party. This was really her first birthday to attend. We knew it was going to be good when the mom said there were going to be unicorns. It was a Mardi Gras theme for Gretchen and a crawfish boil. Unfortunately it was pretty chilly, but we had a great time. LAS rode her first horse/ unicorn. Loved it. We may have to start saving for riding lessons. The house was beautiful and we all had a great time! I hope Gretchen isn't disappointed when she comes to our apartment complex for a cupcake in a few weeks. Hey, we might have a pinata!
That's Lu in the right corner checking it all out.
She loved the horse!