Sorry for the lack of posts. LAS had her first ear infection last week. It was one of the worst weeks we have had in a long time. Lack of sleep, cranky baby, and I don't make a good mix. Poor Phillip! Does anyone have any suggestions for a baby that doesn't sleep? We have tried about everything. I have just come to the realization that I don't have a sleeper. All I know is that one day it will be better. Until then, we just look forward to that day. She is still sweet as she can be. She also took her very first step last night. She did it two times. They were very wobbly and we aren't very close to walking, but she did step. Also, some of my friends from college were here for a 30th birthday celebration and I got to spend a lot of time with them. It was so great to have a little mini vacation. We had a blast. Thanks for including me guys!
I will be a better poster this week. Hopefully I can catch Lu walking on video!
This is how she fell asleep.
Playing with the Kleenex. Loving it!
Then she found the toilet paper.
We tried to get some pictures for the Christmas card.
Happy Birthday Jeanna!
Watching the Auburn game. War Eagle!
Me, Ivy, and Kelly
Jeanna singing on the way home. Kelly was not impressed.