Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Room Update

Lu's room got a little sprucing up thanks to Aunt Bess and Momma M and Grandaddy. This weekend Momma M and Grandaddy brought Aunt Bess's furniture for Lu to have. It couldn't fit any better and looks awesome in her room. We were so excited. I know it will be something she will have for a long time. Thanks Aunt Bess for sharing!!

Just for Comparison

Here are both of the kids in the Christening gown. I realized that we hardly took any pictures of Lu in the gown. That makes me sad! I think that they look so much a like. RWS is a month older than Lu was when she was baptized.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Big Monday

Today was another big day for our little guy. He started reaching for his toys on his play mat. He was so enthralled, that he lay there for about 45 minutes just reaching up and touching them. I like to think he was very excited about this. Lucy and I made a play house out of a box and had a great time with that. Then, when Dad got home, he got spa treatment. Lu does great nails!

Just a little "gentle" help from Sister.

Olivia says, "Come on in!"

All the friends lined up. We also added a garage when the Super Readers came home. They needed somewhere to park.

Dad came home and got a pedicure. Lu was very intense and to make sure Daddy's toes had sparkles. I'm sure the guys at the job site would love that one. He's a good sport.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Reynolds is Baptized!

Today was a very special day for our family. Reynolds was baptized in our church here. We pledged to bring him up with the Lord and teach him the importance of church. I hope that we can be the best parents we can be and create a good example for him. He did great, no tears. I was nervous. RWS wore the same baptismal gown that Phillip wore and Lucy wore it almost three years ago. It is really special because Phillip's Aunt Sissy made it. It is so delicate and beautiful. It is so special to have them wear such an important heirloom. Our friend's had their son, Sammy, baptized at the same service and we all went to eat after. Lucy loved having her BFF, Amelia, there. Here are some pictures of this special day!
Sweet angel...

We were so blessed to have Phillip's parents there. It is hard being so far away from family, so it sure was nice to have them there.

With Momma M and Grandaddy.

At lunch he had a little wardrobe change. Isn't he the cutest!

My friend has a cake business on the side and made us this beautiful cake. It was delicious!

Lu and Amelia, BFF

Relaxing after a long morning!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Super Dancer Girl to the Rescue

Today Lu was a super hero. She came out of her room dressed like this and we gave her the name "Super Dancer Girl". She is here to take out the bad dancers every where. She will rid the world of all left feet. She ran circles around RWS who just sat there and watched her every move. He also, kind of, reached for that mirror. He was definitely touching it on purpose. He also might be getting close to rolling from his front to back. Today he wobbled back and forth while he was on his tummy.

I wonder what we will be tomorrow.

Look at Our New Trick

After much practice, Lucy can now roll her tongue. We showed her last week what it was and about two days later, out of the blue, she said, " Look! I can do it!" We hadn't mentioned it again. I guess she had been really thinking about it and practicing. Now she does it all of the time. She is a very determined little lady.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

3 Months Old

Look who's 3 months old! Hard to believe this little man has been in our lives for 3 months already. I've already forgotten what it was like before he was here. He loves to laugh and smile. Any time Lucy talks to him he starts smiling and is always looking toward her voice. When you get him out of the crib in the morning he gives you the biggest grin and just melts your heart. He is not a huge crier, which is a total 180 from Lu who cried constantly for about 6 months. I thank God for this daily. RWS sleeps in his crib now and most nights goes to bed at 8, wakes to eat at 3 and the gets up for the day between 7 and 8. Most days. I tried really hard to get him on a schedule early this time around. I definitely learned from Lu. It has made such a difference. He weighs about 13 lbs 7 oz. We go for our next check up in February. From the looks of it you would think he was big ol' boy, but he is right on track with 3 months clothing. He still nurses since he has a pretty bad tummy and I have had to cut out all dairy. Do you know how hard that is?!? When I stop nursing I plan to eat only cheesy products for a week.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's a New Year

Thank God for a new year! Hear's hoping this year is filled joy and happiness. Looking forward to starting fresh. It was a long year and I think our family deserves a good 2012! Here are some pictures of what we have been up to in 2012. Not too much, as you can see.

Now if this doesn't start your day off right, I don't know what will.

War Eagle! All dressed up to watch the Auburn game.

And in no time we were back in our Ariel pajamas sporting our favorite hat from Uncle Ben!

Trying to get them both to smile.

Tummy time with Sissy! And just for comparison...

Can you tell who is who?

I think they look a lot a like. The first is Lucy and the second is Reynolds.