While we were on our trip RWS turned 9 months old. He is crawling up a storm, pulling up on everything, and already standing without holding on to anything. He still is the happiest little guy I know. He loves to eat. He does about half baby food and half food he can pick up and eat himself. He can drink out of a sippy cup, a little. He can say Ma and Da and Baba (bottle). He loves his sister more than anything. They just make each other laugh and laugh. It's probably the best thing I have ever watched. At the last appointment he weighed 20lbs 10oz (50-75%), was 28 1/4inches tall(50%), and his head was in the 95%. He wears size 4 diapers, size 3 shoes, and 9-12 month clothing. He has two teeth and I think he is about to get some more. He loves to "throw" the ball and play in the bath. He sleeps from about 7:30pm to 6:00am and take two naps a day. He is strictly formula fed now and take about 4 8oz bottles a day. I can't believe how fast he is growing, but it just keeps getting better!
Look at my chompers!
I'm getting so brave!
Lucy, on the other hand is about to be 3 1/2, which is also extremely hard to believe. She is really into space right now, thanks to her dad. He reward for getting all of her stars on her reward chart was being able to look at the stars and moon through Daddy's big telescope. So, the other night we checked out the moon. She was really excited that she saw "space". I love that she gets excited about things like that!